Municipal Courts
G.W. “Chip” Sherrod III, Municipal Court Judge

G.W. “Chip” Sherrod III is a graduate of Lambuth University and the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law at the University of Memphis. He is presently pursuing a Master of Laws (LLM) degree at the Caruso Law School at Pepperdine University.
Judge Sherrod was first admitted to practice law in the State of Tennessee in 2004 and has been engaged in the private practice of law for the duration of his legal career. In addition to being admitted to practice before all Tennessee state courts, Judge Sherrod is also admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee.
After spending the first few years of his law career in Jackson, Tennessee, Judge Sherrod moved his law practice to Henderson in 2008 and has been practicing law on Main Street in Henderson since that time.
Municipal Court and Fine Collection
The City Recorder serves as the Municipal Court Clerk (City Court Clerk) and fines levied in City Court are collected by the Recorder’s Office staff. Persons issued citations or tickets by the Henderson Police Department will normally be scheduled for either City Court or General Sessions Court depending on the charges. Please refer to your citation for your specific court and court date. City Court is normally held on the third Wednesday afternoon each month at 1:30 PM in second floor Council Chamber of City Hall.
Citations issued for City Court can be paid prior to the court date either online or in person at the Recorder’s Office at City Hall or by mail.
Mailing Address
City of Henderson
P.O. Box 68,
Henderson, TN 38340-0068
Parking Tickets are issued for violation of parking regulations and can be paid either online by clicking the “Pay Court Fine” button above, in person at the Recorder’s Office at City Hall or by mail. The cost for a non-contested parking ticket is $20.00. Parking tickets are not reported on a driver’s record.
Persons with citations scheduled for city court may be allowed to attend a driving school to keep the violation off your driving record. Please call (731) 983-5000 for more information.