Planning Commission


The Henderson Planning Commission serves both as the city planning commission and the regional planning commission. They meet monthly on the first Wednesday night at 5:00 p.m. at Henderson City Hall. All meetings are duly advertised in the “Chester County Independent” newspaper.  All meetings are open to the public. 



  • To guide the development of the city and the planning region in accordance to the Land Development Plan considering the suitability of all land use.
  • To guide in city/region policy to provide for adequate transportation, water, sewerage, schools, recreational areas and other public requirements and facilities.
  • To draft and recommend zoning regulations that will improve the overall community.
  • Draft and amend as needed, Subdivision Regulations to ensure reasonable standards of design and to ensure adequate public facilities are available to serve the development.
  • Recommend areas for annexation into the city limits that need city services due to existing or future development.
» Planning Commission Fees



Planning Commission Members

Craig Casey, Chairman  Ron Moten
Farris Stout, Secretary Keith Smith
Mayor Bobby King, Mayor Marty Watson
Bill Moore